Learn and Examine Yourself

শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন
Trouble With Tenses
1. Indentify the incorrect part of the following sentence:
The guards had been looked at searching the building.
had been
looked at
the building
2. How many times --- you? Turn that music down!
do I tell
am I telling
have I told
have I been telling
3. He is my best friend now, and ......... for many years.
had been
has been
was to be
4. Apparently, Suchi ----- married in May ------ but she hasn’t invited me!
is getting
will get
will have got
5. `My doctor suggested --- some exercise.
that I get
that I got
me to get
that we should get

6. The thief said that he was ashamed of what he-----.
has done
had done
7. The cyclist -------- he crossed the main street.
looked with caution after
had looked cautiously before
was looked cautious when
looks cautious when
8. We waited until the plane------
did not take off
took off
had not taken off
had taken off
9. Find out the correct sentence from the followings.
Sadia will be playing on the computer when her mother comes home.
Sadia will have been playing on the computer when her mother comes home.
Sadia would playing on the computer when her mother comes home.
Sadia can be playing on the computer when her mother comes home.
10. She told me his name after he-------.
had left
has left
has been leaving


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