Learn and Examine Yourself

বিসিএস পরীক্ষা
২০তম বিসিএস
1. An intensive search was conducted by the detectives to locate those criminals who ‒ .
have had escaped
had escaped
are escaping
have been escaping
2. ‒ glass is, for all practical purposes, a solid, its molecular structure is that of a liquid.
3. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the expressed in the original pair: EXCITE : CALM
stimulate : cool down
retrain : compose
agitate : trouble
upset : perturb

4. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the expressed in the original pair: ANARCHY : GOVERNMENT
penury : wealth
chaos : disorder
monarchy : republic
verbosity : words
5. The intellectual can no longer be said to live ‒ the margins of society.
6. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree ‒ .
my education will be employed by the university
employment will be given to me by the University
I will be employed of the University
the University will employ me


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