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শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন

৭ম (কলেজ/সমপর্যায়) বেসরকারি প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন পরিক্ষা (২০১১) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ০২.১২.২০১১
1. Which word is both a noun and a verb?
ক. believe
খ. water
গ. advise
ঘ. maker
2. which one is the correct passive form of the sentence " Buy me a shirt"?
ক. Let a shirt be bought
খ. Let a shirt be bought for me
গ. Let be a shirt be bought
ঘ. Let be bought a shirt
3. 'ছেলেটি দেখতে তার বাবার মতো।' which is the correct English translation?
ক. The boy takes after his father
খ. The boy looks after his father
গ. The boy resembles his father
ঘ. ক ও গ
4. He---- home last Monday.
ক. has left
খ. had left
গ. has leave
ঘ. left
5. which one is a collective noun?
ক. friendship
খ. gang
গ. doctor
ঘ. honesty

6. choose the correct sentence:
ক. He is temper
খ. He is in tempers
গ. He is in a temper
ঘ. He is the temper
7. Choose the correct sentence:
ক. I finished my duty, amn't I?
খ. I finished my duty, did I?
গ. I finished my duty, didn't I?
ঘ. I finished my duty, don't I?
8. Choose the correct translation of : "There is a little milk in the cup,"
ক. পেয়ালায় অল্প দুধ আছে
খ. পেয়ালায় দুধ নেই বললেই চলে
গ. পেয়ালায় দুধ নেই
ঘ. পেয়ালায় একটুখানি দুধ নেই
9. It is high time he (change) his bad habits.
ক. changing
খ. has changed
গ. changed
ঘ. has been changing
10. what is the synonym of the word 'Redemption'?
ক. forbidden
খ. salvation
গ. assumption
ঘ. award


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