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শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন

১১তম (কলেজ/সমপর্যায়) বেসরকারি প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন পরিক্ষা (২০১৪) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ১৩.১২.২০১৪
81. 'Swan song' means----
ক. First work
খ. Last work
গ. Middle work
ঘ. Early work
82. Sinners will suffer-----
ক. in fine
খ. in the long run
গ. in to time
ঘ. in the court
83. "All men must die"---Negative form of this sentence is ------
ক. No men will never die
খ. None but all men will die
গ. Nothing but all men must die
ঘ. None can avoid death
84. I would rather die-----.
ক. to beg
খ. than beg
গ. Than begging
ঘ. Than would have begged
85. Had I been rich, I----.
ক. would have helped the poor
খ. will help the poor
গ. had helpd the poor
ঘ. would help the poor

86. Do not insist----his going there.
ক. to
খ. on
গ. with
ঘ. in
87. What is the noun form of 'believe'?
ক. believe
খ. belief
গ. believable
ঘ. believance
88. Select the right word to fill in the sentence "He ran fast lest he----miss the train".
ক. can
খ. should
গ. could
ঘ. would
89. Phonetics is concerned with ----
ক. Pronunciation
খ. Word building
গ. Sentence making
ঘ. Passage
90. He advised me ----smoking.
ক. give up
খ. to stop
গ. to give up
ঘ. from giving up


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