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শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন

১১তম (কলেজ/সমপর্যায়) বেসরকারি প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন পরিক্ষা (২০১৪) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ১৩.১২.২০১৪
91. Would you mind (to take) simply a cup of coffee? The correct verb from would be ----
ক. to kate
খ. taken
গ. taking
ঘ. for taking
92. The passive form of the sentence "Do it as I say" is----
ক. Let it be done as is said by me
খ. Let it be done as I say
গ. It should be done as I say
ঘ. Be it done as it is said
93. 'Blue blood' means-----
ক. aristocratic birth
খ. scoundrel
গ. fresh blood
ঘ. blood of king
94. I look forward ----- you.
ক. to see
খ. meeting
গ. to hearing from
ঘ. to meet
95. We worked hard so that we -----succeed.
ক. can
খ. could
গ. may
ঘ. should

96. ----- water of this pond is clear. Use article.
ক. the
খ. a
গ. no article
ঘ. an
97. Which one is a compound noun?
ক. Headmaster
খ. information
গ. Friday
ঘ. Examination
98. The man was ----murder.
ক. hung for
খ. hanged for
গ. hanged
ঘ. hung to
99. 'Head over heels in love' means---
ক. loving somebody
খ. disliking somebody very much
গ. hating love strongly
ঘ. loving somebody very much
100. Choose the correct sentence :
ক. No sooner had I came than he went away
খ. No sooner I come than he went away
গ. No sooner had I come hen he went away
ঘ. No sooner had I come than he went away


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