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শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন

১৪তম (কলেজ/সমপর্যায়) বেসরকারি প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন পরিক্ষা (২০১৭) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ২৫.০৮.২০১৭
11. Panic seized me. The passive form will be ---
ক. I was seized by panic
খ. I was seized from panic
গ. I was seized with panic
ঘ. I was seized into panic
12. The singular form of "criteria" is --
ক. criterion
খ. criterium
গ. criterii
ঘ. criterius
13. The second World War broke --- in September, 1939.
ক. out
খ. through
গ. away
ঘ. in
14. He will come in no time. Here the idiom "in no time" means--
ক. never in future
খ. soon
গ. not in future
ঘ. not ever
15. I am entitled ---- a share of the profit. The correct preposition is ---
ক. to
খ. for
গ. from
ঘ. into

16. What kind of verb is the word "went" in the sentence : “The dog went mad "?
ক. Transitive verb
খ. Causative verb
গ. Factitive verb
ঘ. Copulative verb
17. The correct translation of "দুঃখের প্রয়োজনীয়তা মধুর" is-
ক. Sweet are the uses of adversity
খ. Sweet is the uses of adversity
গ. Sweet uses of adversity
ঘ. Sweet do not use the adversity
18. The antonym of "Honorary" is ---
ক. Literary
খ. Honorable
গ. Salaried
ঘ. Officeial
19. A person who treats mental illness is called --
ক. a psychiatrist
খ. a phychologist
গ. a therapist
ঘ. a psychoanalyst
20. No article is used before-
ক. a pronoun
খ. an adjective
গ. a noun
ঘ. an adverb


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