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প্রাইমারি পরীক্ষা

সরকারী প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা (২০১৪) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ২৬.০৫.২০১৮
11. Shackespeare is known mostly for his---
ক. poetry
খ. drama
গ. novels
ঘ. films
12. Which of the noun is used in the feminine form ?
ক. anger
খ. time
গ. moon
ঘ. none
13. 'out and out' means.
ক. whole heartely
খ. Not at all
গ. Brove
ঘ. Thoroughly
14. The train _____ from Rangpur.
ক. have already arrived
খ. already arrive
গ. has already arrived
ঘ. already has been arriving
15. 'Man of straw' means____
ক. respected person
খ. worthless man
গ. gentleman
ঘ. noted peson

16. Find out the correct synonym of 'tenuous'
ক. careful
খ. dangerous
গ. vital
ঘ. thin
17. If we want concrete proof , we are lokking for ___
ক. building material
খ. clear avidence
গ. a cement mixer
ঘ. something to cover a path
18. The correct sentence of the following ;
ক. The padma is longest river in bangladesh
খ. The padma is longest river in the Bangldesh
গ. padma is longest river in Bangladesh
ঘ. The padma is the longest river in bangladesh
19. Nine men were concerned ____ the plot.
ক. for
খ. at
গ. with
ঘ. in
20. নিচের কোনটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ ইমেইল এড্রেস?
ক. rasel.@com
খ. rasel@yahoo.com
গ. rasel yahoo.com
ঘ. rasel.yahoo@com


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