Learn and Examine Yourself

শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন

৯ম (কলেজ/সমপর্যায়) বেসরকারি প্রভাষক নিবন্ধন পরিক্ষা (২০১৩) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ২৪.০৮.২০১৩
1. How many parts are there in a letter?
ক. One
খ. Two
গ. Four
ঘ. Six
2. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence, "Buy me a pen".
ক. Let me buy a pen
খ. Let a pen be bought for me
গ. Let a pen be bought by me
ঘ. Let me a pen be bought
3. Select the correct linking word to fill in the gap."Read attentively -------you should fail in the examination".
ক. or
খ. until
গ. lest
ঘ. till
4. Which one is very important in a 'News Report'?
ক. An introduction
খ. A short eye-catching head line
গ. A description
ঘ. Conclusion
5. Cohesion and coherence is essential in :
ক. Letter
খ. Narration
গ. Preposition
ঘ. Paragraph

6. I heard the little boy---
ক. cry
খ. crying
গ. cried
ঘ. is crying
7. Select the correct Bangla translation of : "There is no room in the bench".
ক. এ রুমে কোনো বেঞ্চ নাই।
খ. এ জায়গায় কোনো বেঞ্চ নাই।
গ. এ বেঞ্চে কোনো জায়গা নাই।
ঘ. এ বেঞ্চে কোনো কক্ষ নাই।
8. Do not run----debt.
ক. to
খ. with
গ. from
ঘ. into
9. Choose the correct sentence :
ক. He lives here for five months.
খ. He is living here for five months.
গ. He has been living here for five months.
ঘ. He lived here for five months.
10. 'Advice' is a ---
ক. verb
খ. noun
গ. adjective
ঘ. adverb


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