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প্রাইমারি পরীক্ষা

প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা (২০১০) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- করতোয়া- ০৮.০১.২০১০
31. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
ক. Examplary
খ. Exemplery
গ. Examplery
ঘ. Exemplary
32. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
ক. Colarboration
খ. Collarberation
গ. Colaberation
ঘ. Collaboration
33. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
ক. I saw him write something.
খ. I saw him writing something.
গ. There is no place for doubt in it
ঘ. ক ও খ দুটোই
34. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
ক. The horse and carriage are at the door
খ. Time and tide wait for none
গ. You are not dovoted to gamling
ঘ. We get up in dawn
35. 'Does he speak English well? ' বাক্যটির সঠিক Passive form ----
ক. Is English spoke well by him?
খ. Is English spoken well to him?
গ. Is English spoken well by him?
ঘ. Was English spoken well by him?

36. 'All his pupils like him' বাক্যটির সঠিক Passive form ----
ক. He was liked by all his pupils
খ. He was like by all his pupils
গ. He is being liked by all his pupils
ঘ. He is liked by all his pupils
37. You said to me, 'Would you help me, please?' বাক্যটির সঠিক Indirect speech ----
ক. You politely asked me if I would help you.
খ. You politely asked me if I should help you.
গ. You politely asked me I would help you.
ঘ. You politely asked me if I would help you.
38. "Come in, my friend, said I" বাক্যটির সঠিক Indirect speech ----
ক. Addressing him as my friend, he said him to go in
খ. Addressing him as my friend, I told him to go in
গ. Addressing him as my friend, I have said him to go in
ঘ. Addressing him as my friend, I asked him to go in
39. The idiom 'Dead letter' এর অর্থ ----
ক. Bad letter
খ. Old letter
গ. Law not in force
ঘ. Letter written by unknown person
40. The idiom 'Bring to book' এর অর্থ ----
ক. Book written by famous writer
খ. Valueless person
গ. Book which are loss
ঘ. Rebuke


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