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প্রাইমারি পরীক্ষা

প্রাক-প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা (২০১৩) :: পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- মিসিসিপি- ০৮.১১.২০১৩
51. Noun of the word "Deny" is--
ক. Denial
খ. Deny
গ. Deniable
ঘ. Refuse
52. Adjective of the word "People" is
ক. popularity
খ. popularise
গ. popular
ঘ. populous
53. Which sentence is correct?
ক. You are an M.B.B.S
খ. He was an M.A
গ. He is an L.M.F
ঘ. All of them
54. কোন শব্দটি Comparative degree-এর উদাহরণ নয়?
ক. Upper
খ. Less
গ. Worst
ঘ. Highest
55. Mother loves me. Here love is an example of ---
ক. Transitive verb
খ. Intransitive verb
গ. Auxiliary verb
ঘ. Causative verb

56. What is the meaning of the word "status quo"?
ক. State of affair
খ. The former state
গ. Equal status
ঘ. High status
57. What is the meaning of the phrase "At home with"?
ক. Family relation
খ. At ease
গ. Neighbour
ঘ. Free at
58. Choose the correct spelling :
ক. Sabotage
খ. Sabatage
গ. Salabatage
ঘ. Sabotaze
59. Which one is the correct spelling?
ক. Jewelery
খ. Jewellry
গ. Jewellery
ঘ. Jwellry
60. What is the antonym of "Rigid"?
ক. Autere
খ. Stiff
গ. Rigorous
ঘ. Lax


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