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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩৮তম বিসিএস
41. ‘Once in a blue moon’ means- --
ক. always
খ. very rarely
গ. nearly
ঘ. hourly
42. ‘Jacobean Period’ of English Literature refers to-
ক. 1558-1603
খ. 1625-1649
গ. 1603-1625
ঘ. 1649-1660
43. A retired officer lives next door. In this sentence, the word 'retired' is used as a/an:-
ক. gerund
খ. adverb
গ. preposition
ঘ. participle
44. Eight men were concerned___ the plot.
ক. at
খ. with
গ. in
ঘ. for
45. Fill in the gap with the right tense: When water___ it turns into ice.
ক. will freeze
খ. freezes
গ. would freeze
ঘ. froze

46. Which one is the correct antonym of ‘frugal’ ?
ক. Extraordinary
খ. spendthrift
গ. economical
ঘ. authentic
47. Choose the meaning of the idiom- ‘Take the bull by the horse’ .
ক. To challenge the enemy with courage
খ. Force the enemy to submit
গ. Out of one's wit
ঘ. Surrender before the enemy
48. Fill in the blank with the correct puantifier: I still have ___ money.
ক. a few
খ. quite a few
গ. many
ঘ. a little
49. Select the right compound structure of the sentence :“Though he is poor, he is honest”.
ক. He is poor and honest
খ. As he is poor, he is honest
গ. He is poor but honest
ঘ. Since he is poor, he is honest
50. Where do the following lines occur in? “Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide, wide sea…….”
ক. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
খ. Kubla Khan
গ. The Nightingle
ঘ. The Dungeon


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