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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩৬তম বিসিএস
51. The play ‘Candida’ is by -
ক. James Joyce
খ. Shakespeare
গ. G. B. Shaw
ঘ. Arthur Miller
52. Which of the following writer belongs to the romantic period in English literature?
ক. A Tennyson
খ. Alexander Pope
গ. John Dryden
ঘ. S. T. Coleridge
53. This could have worked if I _____ been more cautious.
ক. had
খ. have
গ. might
ঘ. would
54. The Climax of a plot is what happens -
ক. in the beginning
খ. at the height
গ. at the end
ঘ. in the confrontation
55. London town is found a living in the works of -
ক. Thomas Hardy
খ. Charles Dickens
গ. W. Congreve
ঘ. D. H. Lawrence

56. I have been living in Dhaka _____ 2000.
ক. since
খ. from
গ. after
ঘ. till
57. Give the antonym of the world “transitory”
ক. temporary
খ. permanent
গ. transparent
ঘ. short-lived
58. Verb of ‘Number’ is -
ক. number
খ. enumerate
গ. numbering
ঘ. numerical
59. ‘Child is the father of man’ is taken from the poem of -
ক. W. Wordsworth
খ. S. T. Coleridge
গ. P. B. Shelley
ঘ. A. C. Swinburne
60. Slow and steady _____ the race. (Fill in the gap)
ক. win
খ. wins
গ. has won
ঘ. won


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