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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩৪তম বিসিএস
91. Who is known as the "Lady of the Lamp"?
ক. Sorojini Naidu
খ. Hellen Killer
গ. Florence Nightingale
ঘ. Madame Teresa
92. For which of the following disciplines Nobel Prize is awarded?
ক. Physics and Chemistry
খ. Physiology or Medicine
গ. Literature, Peace and Economics
ঘ. All of the above
93. Lunar eclipse occurs on -
ক. A new moon day
খ. A full moon day
গ. A half moon day
ঘ. A moonless day
94. World 'No-Tobacco Day' is observed on -
ক. May 25
খ. May 28
গ. May 30
ঘ. May 31
95. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?
ক. Desert Ecosystem
খ. Mountain Ecosystem
গ. Fresh water Ecosystem
ঘ. Marine Ecosystem

96. In Cricket game the length of pitch between the two wickets is -
ক. 24 yards
খ. 23 yards
গ. 22 yards
ঘ. 21 yards
97. IMF (International Monitary Fund) is the result of -
ক. Hawana Conference
খ. Geneva Conference
গ. Rome Conference
ঘ. Brettonwood Conference
98. Dengue fever is spread by -
ক. Aedes aegypti mosquito
খ. Common House files
গ. Anopilies mosquito
ঘ. Rats and squirrels
99. The International Court of Justice is located in -
ক. New York
খ. London
গ. Geveva
ঘ. Hague
100. 169 is equal to -
ক. 11
খ. 13
গ. 15
ঘ. 17


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