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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩৩তম বিসিএস
81. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he is –
ক. attached to them
খ. committed to them
গ. addicted to them
ঘ. devoted to them
82. The word ‘officialese’ means---
ক. plural number of official
খ. language used in offices
গ. plural number of offices
ঘ. vague expressions
83. The verb 'succumb' means -
ক. achieve
খ. submit
গ. win
ঘ. conquer
84. Fill in the blank with the appropriate part:- We look forward _____ a response from you.
ক. to receiving
খ. to receive
গ. in receiving
ঘ. for receiving
85. If a part of speech or writing breaks the theme, it is called -
ক. pomposity
খ. digression
গ. exaggeration
ঘ. anti-climax

86. The expression 'take into account' means -
ক. count numbers
খ. consider
গ. think seriously
ঘ. assess
87. Choose the best translation of ‘কর্তৃপক্ষ তাকে তিরস্কার করল’ from the alternative below -
ক. The authorities criticised him
খ. The authorities took him to book
গ. The authorities took him to task
ঘ. The authorities gave reins to him
88. ‘Such claim needs to be tested empirically’ means –
ক. The test should be based on experience
খ. The test should be based on idea
গ. The test should be based on assumption
ঘ. The test should be based on calculation
89. The idiom ‘put up with’ means –
ক. stay together
খ. tolerate
গ. keep trust
ঘ. protect
90. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to –
ক. driving a car
খ. when one drives a car
গ. driving of a car
ঘ. when we drive a car


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