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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩২তম বিসিএস
81. Choose the correct synonym for— “Extempore”
ক. Planned
খ. Improvise
গ. Impromptu
ঘ. Immediate
82. “Menacing”
ক. Encouraging
খ. Alarming
গ. Promising
ঘ. Auspicious
83. Choose the correct antonym for –“Oblige”
ক. Bind
খ. Require
গ. Bother
ঘ. Censure
84. Choose the correct antonym for -“Cynical”
ক. Pessimistic
খ. Gullible
গ. Equivocal
ঘ. Liberal
85. “We were no more surprised than Rahman.”
ক. We were less surprised than Ranman
খ. We were all surprised
গ. Rahman was less surprised than us
ঘ. We were as surprised as Rahman

86. “Not once has our neighbour invited us into his house.”
ক. Our neighbour has invited us into his house not once but many times.
খ. neighbour has never invited us into his house
গ. Occasionally our neighbour has invited us into his house
ঘ. Our neighbour has not always invited us into his house
87. Travellers _____ their reservation well in advance if they want to visit the St. Martins island.
ক. had better to get
খ. had to better get
গ. had better get
ঘ. had better got
88. After food has been dried or canned _____ for later consumption.
ক. it should be stored
খ. that it should be stored
গ. should be stored
ঘ. which should be stored
89. Choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the underlines word/phrase in the given sentence: Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
ক. make his ideas understood
খ. get ideas down pat
গ. summaries his ideas
ঘ. put together is ideas
90. What may be considered courteous in one culture may be arrogant in another.
ক. flimsy
খ. coarse
গ. gracious
ঘ. friendly


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