Learn and Examine Yourself

বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

৩২তম বিসিএস
91. Identify the incorrect word/phrase among the options for the following sentences:

Every man or woman should vote for the candidate of their choice.
ক. Every
খ. should
গ. for
ঘ. their
92. Identify the incorrect word/phrase among the options for the following sentences:

A doctor may be able to diagnose a problem perfect but he may not be able to find a drug to which the patient will respond.
ক. diagnose
খ. perfect
গ. to which
ঘ. will respond
93. Identify the incorrect word/phrase among the options for the following sentences:

According to experts a good way to improve listening skills is by watch television specially news and documentaries.
ক. to
খ. improve
গ. by
ঘ. watch
94. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair: Word: writer
ক. Laws : policeman
খ. Butter : backer
গ. Chalk : black borad
ঘ. Joy : emotion
95. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair: Patron : support
ক. spouse : divorce
খ. Artist : imiaiton
গ. Counselor : advice
ঘ. Restaurant : customer

96. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair: Heart : human
ক. wall : brick
খ. Hand : child
গ. Kitchen : house
ঘ. Engine : car
97. Choose the meaning of the given expression: “No news is good news”
ক. It is likely that we expect bad news
খ. It is likely to bad news
গ. It is likely that nothing bad has happened
ঘ. It is unlikely that another bad has happened.
98. Choose the meaning of the given expression: "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush"
ক. Take what you have got readily available rather than expecting better in the future.
খ. The seen is better than actual
গ. Promises are better than actual
ঘ. It is no good beating about the bush
99. The sentence “Who would have thought Shylock was so unkind?” express –
ক. hyperbole
খ. interrogation
গ. command
ঘ. wonder
100. “To raise one’s brows” indicates –
ক. annoyance
খ. disapproval
গ. indifference
ঘ. surprise


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