Learn and Examine Yourself

বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

২৫তম বিসিএস
41. We must look pleased or else he'll be……
ক. dissatisfied
খ. cross
গ. happy
ঘ. delighted
42. The man died — over eating.
ক. by
খ. of
গ. for
ঘ. from
43. He advised me — smoking.
ক. giving up
খ. to give up
গ. in giving up
ঘ. from giving up
44. The expression 'after one's own heart' means…..
ক. To be in low spirit
খ. With complete devotion
গ. To one's own liking
ঘ. To be in high spirit
45. The day of my sister's marriage is drawing (near).The braket word is a / an
ক. adjective
খ. verb
গ. preposition
ঘ. adverb

46. Which of the following sentences is the correct one ?
ক. My father was in hospital during six weeks in summer.
খ. In summer during six weeks my father was in hospital.
গ. My father was in a hospital during six weeks in summer
ঘ. My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer
47. He intends to — in the country for two months.
ক. live
খ. stay
গ. stop
ঘ. halt
48. What are you so angry-----?
ক. about
খ. at
গ. with
ঘ. for
49. The parents became extremely ….. when their son had not returned by eleven, o'clock.
ক. angry
খ. annoyed
গ. disturbed
ঘ. anxious
50. I …… remember the holiday I spent in your home', she said.
ক. ever
খ. hardly
গ. usually
ঘ. always


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