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বিসিএস পরীক্ষা

২০তম বিসিএস
11. The influence of the technological revolution in ‒ and ‒ the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few should worry us all.
ক. aggravating ‒ demolishing
খ. proliferating ‒ diminishing
গ. undermining ‒ neutralizing
ঘ. accelerating ‒ intensifying
12. Few people would care to take the negative side of the proposition that the women of the world are ‒ and ‒.
ক. admired ‒ provoked
খ. oppressed ‒ scorned
গ. rebuked ‒ regaled
ঘ. slighted ‒ celebrated
13. Anger, even when it is ‒ has one virtue, it overcomes ‒.
ক. sinful ‒ sloth
খ. unnecessary ‒ malice
গ. inevitable ‒ desire
ঘ. intense ‒ hate
14. The word ‘dilly-dally’ means:
ক. to dilute
খ. wait impatiently
গ. repeat
ঘ. waste time
15. The word 'Euphemism' means----
ক. Stating one think like another
খ. Conterast of woeds is made in the same sentence
গ. Description of a disagreeadle thinks by an agreeable name
ঘ. A statement is made emphatic by overstatement

16. The passive form of the sentence “some children were helping the wounded man” ‒
ক. The wounded man was helped by some children
খ. The wounded man was helping some children
গ. The wounded man was being helped by some children
ঘ. The wounded man was to be helped by some children
17. The author is mainly concerned with—
ক. the nature of rumor
খ. the facination of rumors
গ. rumor as perimitive man’s newspaper
ঘ. the breeding places of rumors
18. The author suggests that rumors usually—
ক. are hardly in their growth
খ. alarm their hearers
গ. are disheartening
ঘ. can be soppressed by censorship
19. The aunthor states that during wartime the regular sources of news persent only-
ক. limited information
খ. government propaganda
গ. pessimistic reports
ঘ. optimistic reports
20. Which of the following best describes the author’s personal atitude toward rumor?
ক. excited enthusiasm
খ. acute indignation
গ. morbid cueiosity
ঘ. philosophical interest


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